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 Muheza Hospice


Muheza Hospice Care (MHC) was founded in 2002 working closely with Teule Hospital. The Diana Centre was built in 2003 to provide palliative care for patients and families in Muheza district affected by a life limiting disease.


Muheza Hospice Care (MHC) has provided improved quality of life to thousands of people with life limiting diseases in Muheza district and in the Tanga Region. It provides palliative medicine in the centre and the community, as well as other physical, psychological, social and spiritual care services. It aims to educate the community about palliative care and combat HIV/AIDS.


Hundreds of children and young people in Muheza have experienced the loss of multiple family members. Many children are left without one or both parents. In 2006 MHC started an extensive programme for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to support children and young people in their community running monthly clubs of up to 300 attendees. Many of the children have health needs themselves, such as HIV, cancer and other life limiting illness.

Club days are designed to give children and young people a fun day, education and a good meal.





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