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Morgan's Leap

On Friday 19th April I will be doing a Tandem Skydive in order to raise money for the YPO Project in Muheza. The money raised goes towards the funding for my flight to Tanzania on August 9th and anything after that will be donated towards the Hospice in Muheza. It is linked to St Michaels Hospice and helps those who are facing terminal illness, but also supports family and friends around them. For example, the main illness predominantly being HIV is incurable at this point in time, but various medicines are being developed and it is increasing the life expectancy for people living with it. Also, Cancer is a major killer – not only in Muheza, it is everywhere – and this is one of my main reasons for wanting to be a part in this project.

In 2016, I lost somebody very close to me through cancer and despite a long 2 year battle, it overcame him and that July we said goodbye. During this time, I was very distraught and lost, but St Michaels were always there for me and supported me in more ways than one and I dont know how I can ever repay them for all that they did for me. Nevertheless, in the months following his passing I felt alone and all I wanted was for somebody to truly understand how I was feeling, it was something I struggled with for quite some and even now I have my bad days - we're human, of course we do. In light of this, after hearing about the project I knew that this was my chance to make a difference in other people's lives, even if it's just the one.

All of us travelling to Muheza in August know what it is to lose somebody, to feel like the whole world is just crumbling. I want to do this Skydive to raise the money for the Hospice in Muheza because the project is so close to home that I want to do everything in my power to make it a success and to mean something to them all. If I have the opportunity to lighten the burden of a loss or even the idea of it then I will jump straight into the deep end of that pool because I know that difficulty and how suffocating it can be. The experiences between two people will always be different and the repercussions will be too, but that is never a reason to not try because there is still a mutual understanding between them.

I will be posting photos and snippets of my jump, not only to prove that I did not chicken out but to share the adventure with everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for the donations for this worthwhile cause and amazing opportunity.

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